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Your help with everyday care for our animals--food, enrichment, and ongoing vet care--is always appreciated! 

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You can also Venmo us at @redridinghoodrescueproject-red


Other ways to help

Sponsor A Wolfdog!

To Sponsor one of our beautiful wolfdogs, and receive a certificate, photo, and more, click HERE!

Legacy Giving, Bequests, Gifts of Life Insurance and Gifts of Stock, are now opportunities to show the animals of the Red that you care.  The planned giving professionals of The Red Riding Hood Rescue Project can assist you in creating a plan that best fits your financial circumstances. Email if you are interested in receiving details from our financial advisor.

Grab your copy of Porter's story!
Porter 2 Cover Only.jpg

Porter was Co-founders' Susan and Colin Vogt's rescued wolfdog. He profoundly changed their lives, and he is the inspiration for The Red Riding Hood Rescue Project. Click here to get your copy of his story. 100% of the proceeds go to The Red.









Shop a variety of cool shirts at our store on!


Make a purchase from our Chewy Wish List


Donations are needed but there are other ways to help:  Share our page.  Volunteer on work days.  Or take on one of these additional projects:

  • Share our website and FB page on social media

  • Volunteer on work days -- there are always projects around the property

  • Building a party pavilion (like a picnic pavilion but with 3 side walls)


Email us at or message us on Facebook if you or your company can help with any of these projects.

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